Friday, February 24, 2012

All chemical reactions need atp energy to help them.



Assign Task 1) - definition of metabolism, anabolism and catabolism, explaining the role of ATP in these processes. Be sure to use specific examples to make your answer clear. Models of growth and decay in the body as a result of two opposing forces, anabolic (synthesis) and catabolism (the break). Metabolism, anabolism and catabolism of all types of processes that occur in every living cell in every living organism. They are related to the destruction of large molecules into smaller (decay), which makes larger molecules from smaller (synthesis), and changes of molecules, so they are used in the reaction. ATP is required for all these processes to build on molecules and break them, and especially to turn them into something else, such as breathing, when glucose is converted into glucose - 6 - phosphate. ATP and energy as electrons are also produced in catabolism.10 facts about the immune system It is important when discussing the topic that we remember that the body can neither create nor destroy energy, but just make it from one form to another. Metabolism >> << All forms of life from unicellular algae to mammals depends on many hundreds of simultaneously and precisely regulate metabolic reactions to support them from conception through growth and maturity to the final stage of life. Within each living cell of the body, chemical reactions occur, the chemical activity is described as "metabolism". Chemical activity, or exchange is divided into two different categories, anabolism and catabolism, as described below. All chemical reactions need ATP energy to help them. The reactions involve molecules together lasix 120 mg, or violation of each other, not just in the cell, but requires energy to break it apart. You could see it as a builder, without energy in the form of food that he could not, or build a wall or knock one of them, but knock it down will also produce energy. Using specific examples from the body is breathing, metabolism, not only requires energy (ATP), but also produces it. In glycolysis breathing two molecules of ATP are used, and four production, this suggests that ATP plays an important role in the process of respiration, which is very important metabolic reactions in the cell. Anabolism

This is one of the two parts of metabolism, and this is a generic term for building large molecules from smaller ones. Typically, this reaction of condensation of two molecules connected to >>. <<

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